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Sunday 2 April 2017

Mobile Legends

Tips and Techniques to Master
  • Farming is KEY. No matter what ELO you're in, don't ever waste too much time in lane. Jungle or stealing opponents jungle whenever you've cleared lane minions or have time. The same thing goes other way, make sure you aren't jungling when lane minions are crashing your tower. If you can master this, you can climb to Legend+ no problem. I'd recommend taking Retribution if you want to, works wonders up until Epic or so.
  • Pings are useful, use it often.
  • Look at the mini-map whenever you aren't fighting, it takes awhile to get that down though.
  • Know when to roam. This is another key tip that all solo queue players NEED to know. If you're top lane and you see mid-lane minion wave about to crash into tower and no one's defending it, quickly clear your wave and rush to mid lane. This way, the EXP and Gold isn't "lost." If you see someone pushing wave or attacking tower, you can also try and gank them, especially if they're an immobile hero. This also comes with experience on what to do.
  • BE AWARE OF THE SITUATION. For example, you see your opponent missing from lane? Chances are, they're taking jungle or roaming around. Quickly shove the minion wave into tower so they'll lose out on Gold and EXP. Another option is to signal "Gather" to where you think they're farming, to either steal the jungle or to initiate a winning fight. There are countless ways to handle the scenario, it just comes with experience on what you should do. This also applies to Turtle and Lord, you can easily check if they're taking it by scrolling the mini-map, as it shows the animations.
  • If you sincerely believe that you are better than the majority of the players you play with, take in charge. Make the calls of grouping up or split pushing. This works best if you're already carrying your team, as they will be more likely to listen to you. Inversely, listen to whoever's carrying your team thus far, because chances are they're better than you. Obviously, if they make a really dumb call, use your own judgement on whether or not you should follow.
  • Stop typing, unless you need to inform your team of your strategy. There's no need to type in ALL chat either. If you REALLY want to win, sometimes you just need to ignore the chat. I know I'm personally guilty of this, but try to resist the temptation to retort back.
  • Master a few heroes, and keep spamming them over and over. If you believe that you play really well on Alucard, keep playing him until you reach a rank where you can't seem to climb anymore. I'd say master 3 heroes and that's it.
  • Play meta heroes. The heroes that I currently believe are meta includes Fanny, Kaguya, Chou (not sure after nerf though), Hayabusa, Mino, and Clint. Obviously there are a few others, but this is the solid foundation to start with and build up on. Only exception is that it's hard to carry with Mino, so he isn't great in solo queue.
  • Use Purify on almost all of your games. There are some exceptions though, such as Fanny (which you can take Ret instead) or Chou/Mino (taking Blink). Even if you go purify on them though, you'll still do very well. As you go up the ladder and reach into competitive level, you can then start experimenting other skills to see what fits you the most.
  • Tilt is another factor that plays a role in how you're performing. I know personally for a fact that I will tilt after losing 2 games in a row. If you feel as though you aren't playing in top shape, take a break, and come back to ML later. Know your limit, play within it.
  • Know when to team fight and know when not to. Unless your team composition is based around team fights, why would you group and face head to head when you're losing? Sometimes, split-pushing would be a better option.
  • Relating back to map awareness, you can only split-push effectively if you can see or know where at least 3 out of 5 enemy heroes are. You see them all grouping mid? Go push as hard as you can. Predicting also plays a huge role in split-pushing. If you see them bot and they disappear off the mini-map, there's no way they can reach top within seconds, meaning you still have some time to push before they try and gank you.
  • One of the most common indicators of when enemy heroes are going after you while split pushing is when you see them pushing tower, and all of a sudden they uniformly turn around. Chances are, they're turning back in an attempt to gank you. Either walk back or recall back home in a bush when you see this happening.

Each season will last 1 month. When the season is over, Ranked Game results will be tallied, and all players who took part in Ranked Games will receive rewards based on the highest tier they reached that season.
Unlock Requirements
When players reach Lv 6, Ranked Games will be unlocked. Players who own 5 or more heroes will be able to take part. The system will automatically match players up against opponents of equal strength.
There are 6 tiers in all: Warrior, Elite, Master, GrandMaster, Epic, and Legend. When players win or lose in ranked games, they will also get or lose stars. When a player has full stars for their current tier, they will be promoted to the next tier upon their next victory. Likewise, if a player has no stars, the next time he or she loses will result in a demotion. Stars will not be taken away from players in Warrior tier.
After entering Legend tier, the system will run a check once every 7 days. If the player has not taken part in a ranked game within 7 days, then a star will be taken away.
Play Ranked Games with Friends
You can play ranked games with friends, but you cannot invite a friend who is more than 2 tiers away from you.

Best Emblem For Each Hero Guide   

Emblem is very important in game that will gives you early advantage. This what makes higher level or those who played the game for months have the edge over to those who just play Mobile Legends casually. Emblem gives additional stats such as Physical Attack, Armor, Critical Strike, Movement Speed, Attack Speed, Hp, Magic Resistance, Magic Power, Magic Power Reduction, Cooldown Reduction and Hybrid Penetration.

Emblem has 8 sets such as Physical, Jungle, Magic, Tank, Physical Assassin, Magic Assassin, Fighter, Roamer. Each set has their focus stats based on what I mentioned above. This set can upgrade to improve stats until it reach the maximum bonus stats allowed. To explain it further this is the list of sets together with the maximum stats it can possess and the best set of emblem for each hero.
Physical Emblem Set – +19.87 Physical attack / +5.11 Armor / 2.27% Critical Strike Chance / +249.63 Hp / +3.25% Attack Speed. The main focus of this emblem set is physical attack. This is best for hero that come hybrid on both physical attack and armor such as ChouSunYun ZhaoAlpha, and Balmond. So if you are using those hero as main, you must invest with Physical Emblem Set.
Jungle Emblem Set – +6.71% Attack Speed / +16.25 Physical Attack / +8.12 Armor / +4.02% Movement Speed / +101.34 Hp / +2.32 Magic Resistance. The main focus of this emblem set is attack speed and movement speed. I believe this a good early investment if marksman is your primary role. With the attack speed as the core stats, this is best Emblem is best for ClintLaylaMiyaBrunoMoskovYi Sun Shin NataliaAlucard and other hero that usually use basic attack as the primary damage output. The best thing with Jungle Emblem set is an early access for it. Yes there will be better emblem that you are going to unlock but that will be a long way to go. Emblem Fragments and Magic Dust is not easy to farm and you really need to grind hundred of hours to reach the maximum level of Emblem set.
Magic Emblem Set – +13.82 Magic Power / 4.68 Magic Resistance / 5.02% Cooldown Reduction / 234.34 Hp / +3.32 Magic Damage Reduction. The main focus of this emblem set is magic power and cooldown reduction. So this is perfect for spell caster who use to spam their ability to make effective in game. This emblem set is best for AliceEudoraRafaelaNanaKarinaKaguraAuroraCyclops and Gord.
Tank Emblem Set – +10.69 Armor / +10.69 Magic Resistance / +301. 33 Hp / +5.02% Cooldown Reduction / +5.63 Hp Regen. Just as the name of the emblem says, it is focus on defensive stats such as Magic Resist, Armor, Hp. also it has incredible stats for Cooldown Reduction that is almost same as in magic emblem set. This is best emblem set for AkaiFrancoTigrealMinotaurRubyHildaChouEstesJohnsonFreya and Lolita.
Physical Assassin Set – +12.94 Physical Penetration / +12.63 Physical Attack / +2.50% Critical Strike Chance / +19.68 Hp / +2.01% Movement Speed / +5.02% Cooldown Reduction. The main focus of this set is Physical Penetration or Physical Damage Reduction and Physical attack. This emblem for those hero that do burst based physical damage. This emblem is good for Layla, Natalya, Hayabusa, Alpha, Bruno, Saber and Clint.
Magic Assassin Set – +14.19 Magic Damage Reduction / +9.41 Magic Power / 5.02% Cooldown Reduction / +30.93 Hp / +2.01% Movement Speed. Almost the same with Physical Assassin set only it is based on magical damage. So this is best for almost all magical based hero if you want to focus on damage penetration which is a good counter against tank hero.
Fighter Emblem Set – +16.26 Physical Attack / +4.64 Armor / +4.64 Magic Resistance / 2.01% Movement Speed / +209.51 Hp / +3.62 Attack Speed. This emblem set has well-rounded stats from physical attack, armor, and attack speed. If you like investing for hybrid stats, this is perfect emblem for you.
Roamer Emblem Set – +82.96 Hp / +5.00% Cooldown Reduction / +18.93 / +6.05% Movement Speed / +0.54% Critical Strike Chance / +7.30 Hybrid Penetration. The main boost of this emblem is movement speed and hybrid penetration. A good set for jungler that deals with burst physical damage such as Natalia, Hayabusa, and Saber.
Emblem Upgrading Guide
The fact is, you can’t upgrade them all at once unless you are going to spend bunch of money on this game. As a casual gamer or a free-to-play users like me, the best thing we can do so we can adapt the advantage from this feature is to just focus on one set. Even with different set it requires same fragments. So to get the highest stat bonus possible, upgrade the set you use a lot. That is why I mentioned on the first Mobile Legends guide that I shared that it will be better if you are going to focus on one role so you can master it easily and play your very best on it.

7 Factors To Become MVP in Mobile Legends

Actually being MVP is not that important in game as for team objective. But for those who are concern on their record, this will help you on how other players will judge you. Especially if you are looking for a teammate, this is their first approach to know how good you are. Aside from a good resume building, MVP also gives you better experience point and BP. This will also gives you a 10 medal to unlock the golden chest. If you think that’s good, here are the factors that you need to do in game for you to be MVP at the end of every match.
1. Kills – This is the most visible factors to become MVP in Mobile Legends. Most players are taking it seriously. That is why they want to be a carry rather than a support. Or they are focus on building offensive items over defensive gear. But the fact is, kills alone can’t let you become MVP.
2. Death – This will affects your rating for MVP. Least death will be better especially if you are zero death. So don’t just chase for kills but also you need to protect yourself from death.
3. Assist  – 2 assists equals to 3 kills. This is for support. Assist is the easiest to obtain from the 3 (KDA). Especially if your hero is specifically for support such as Rafaela. By just healing your allies who do the kill will gives you assist. And this is a factor for support hero to become MVP.
4. Take down – Some called it tower down or TD. I tried to experiment a lot in this idea. Not having a kill and go for team objective of taking down tower. In the end it gives me an MVP over my allies with 5 more kills than me. So always look for the opportunity to destroy towers. When you have already cleared your lane with 2 takedowns, you can go on your allies to help.
5. Lord/Turtle Kill – This is the reason why I always take advantage killing the turtle as often as possible. Not all players know that. As a matter of fact, only few players consider killing turtle. Their negligence will be your advantage.
6. Gold – Although kills give gold, there are some point where we can’t get kill and just focus on farming. In this case you can still be  MVP in Mobile Legends. Actually farming is the most important in MOBA that will reflect for more kills in late game, more takedown of course as you can clear your lane effectively, more team objective with Lord and Turtle kill and etc.
7. Win the game – Of course this is the most important as your primary objective as a team. Everything will become useless if you can’t win the game.
Factors work together and each player will be rated from it. So don’t be discouraged when you can’t get a kill as what most players want to do. You have still have 5 factors to work on to become MVP at the end of the game.

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